The goal of the EU project, PiSCE, has been to discover and present a better path to help citizens take better care of their health and wellbeing. I have been honoured to serve as one of the experts on the EU expert panel on self-care which was established as part of the project. It is coming to its end and I am taking this opportunity to draw attention to its outcomes:
”A sound mind in a sound body” – a quote from almost two millennia ago still resonate through the ages, and proves that self-care has been on the agenda in Europe for quite some time. Modern healthcare has been taking quite a lot of our initiatives for us, but now its time to take more and better action ourselves, the Platform of Experts in the PiSCE – Pilot project on the promotion of Self-Care systems in the European Union - concluded when presenting their findings March 17th in Brussels.
”It has long been known, that active citizens have often been able to enjoy longer, healthier lives than the more passive,” says Director John Ryan, DG Sante, ”but we’ve learned also that self-care goes beyond eating right or being active, and also relates to minor ailments as a vital key to maintain overall health and wellbeing” The issue of self-care is thus not a revelation, but the PiSCE project has brought a new level platform to promote the issue.
“The PiSCE experts have looked at how we can all help ourselves lead healthier lives – essentially by maintaining wellbeing. And by a combination of apt practical advice, communication tools, and supportive policy recommendations the experts have built a roadmap that can help both authorities, consumer organizations, or indeed individual citizens to help themselves in encouraging and maintaining a good self-care”, says John Ryan.
The project presented its findings and advice at the Final Conference 17 March, 2017 – but aims to soon to also present its Final Report and a full, corresponding website to enable all interested to use the advice and also share their own experiences and methods to ensure a good self-care.
The Platform of Experts especially hopes to have built a good platform to support stakeholders from across Europe to lift and push the issues and advice forward.
More information can be found at the project website